Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Pictured outside of Nana and Poppy's home Christmas Day. As you can see Simi put on all her gifts immediately and had to go on a wagon ride with doll in hand. Thank you MacDonalds for sharing Christmas with us.

Sleeping Beauty on Crack? From infancy Simi has had an obsession with hair...a hair fetish you could say. Grandma and Grandpa Somerville got her a Sleeping Beauty wig...looks more like the Princess on Crack to us. (she was quite angry in the picture because she wanted to play with the train).

"...What? I'm feeding myself today...and these blues say that's final!"

Sexy is Back I know, you are thinking: 'not another car posting', but I couldn't resist to share that we broke down and got a paint job on the civic. I think Robb was tired of getting $500 offers to have it taken off our hands. Some have said it was good we chose the original red color too, that way the guys who stole it will recognize it! (we are always thinking of others).

Monday, December 03, 2007

Happy Birthday DAD! Its Grandpa Somerville's birthday today. We just wanted to say we love you and hope your day is great. This is a picture of the Somerville's with the girls when they visited in October.

Cloudy in AZ? This is not a Lake...this is the park 1 block from our house! Most parks and soccer fields in the Valley in AZ are designed to collect the whole neighborhood's rain run-off just like this (for those who were unaware). Within a day or so ducks always find their way to our neighborhood and people bring out their canoes and paddle around the park. Its hysterical! We are grateful for the rain this weekend.