Friday, September 26, 2008

Nights with Dad

With work and mutual in the evenings, the girls get Daddy-Daughter Dates 4 nights a week. These were pictures I found on the camera from this week's activities. Cookie night. Spare us the lecture about Salmonella poisoning...licking the cookie bowl is one of the great joys of childhood! I think they will survive, we all did, right?

(How many pictures have I posted this year of my children wearing clothes?...I'm not gonna lie, this blog is raw and uncut.)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hang Time If you are reading this, then you are officially challanged to some mean, 4-on-4-B-Ball. If you think you can handle it, come over and let's see your stuff.

Robb always wanted a hoop for the pool. He finally "macguyver-ed" one bought from craigslist and it handles the slam pretty well...and hang time as you can see...

She is very proud that she swims without floaties now! We've had a good summer, but the warm water is not gone yet.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My BEEF with Wendy's So, here's my beef... What happened to the JBC??? What happened to the $.99 menu????!!!! I need my Dollar JBC...When I eat crappy food, I at least don't want to break the bank on it. Let me guess, its gas prices, right? Is anyone else totally outraged??

Friday, September 12, 2008

This book is GREAT! (The Soft-Spoken Parent, By: H.W. Goddard) I recommend it to any one who has ever felt like they might rip their own hair out while parenting. Its a quick read, very quoteable, and may even save the life of a child!