Monday, May 23, 2011


We've been having blast having our graduated kindergartner HOME!!!! Its been a great so far--school has been out for almost a week and I could REALLY get used to this no school stuff!! The girls have been in heaven having their "Ringleader" home all day and I have been on a serious vacation from SCHEDULES!!! I can actually do whatever I want??? How can I describe? Paradise? More pictures of graduation to come.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Conversation I'm Glad I Overheard.....

4-year old: ...We just keep get older and older...huh!?

5-year old: Yeah, we are going to keep having birthdays and keep getting older and older and growing bigger and bigger until we are moms. Then we stop growing bigger.....we just get fatter

Same day...Different topic...Out of NOwhere...

4 Years says: Hey Mom! Do you know who my FAVORITE "Conference Guy" is??

Me: ummm...Conference Guy? I'm not sure if I can guess....President Monson??

4 Years: no. keep guessing.

Me: Yikes. President Uchtdorf??

4 Years: NO You are getting closer!!!!!

Me: [laughing] OK President Eyring?

4 Years: YES!!!!

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

My Grandma--96 Years

These pictures are so tiny, but I love them. I admire my grandmother so much and have been thinking of her since Mother's day is almost here, and she just had her 96th birthday.

I'm so amazed at the life she has led and how she's watched America change over the decades. It boggles my mind that she had 4 children, 13 grandchildren, I don't even know how many great grandchildren (my guess is around 52?) and at least 10 great GREAT grandchildren. Isn't that a marvel?