Saturday, April 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Princess Knuckles!

Dear Knuckles, Happy First birthday. When I think back to April of 07, one year ago, I can hardly remember life without you in our might be because my brain has never made a full recovery. Please forgive me if I've been exhausted your whole life. But it doesn't mean I love you any less. Thank you for every hug, every snuggle, every smile, every pout (which we see a lot of), every giggle, tickle, and love. -Mom.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Check out this Blog. Do it.

It is the official Reflections of Christ Blog and has an amazing video montage of beautiful photography and music. These works by Mark Mabry will take your breath away.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Is there a better 80's combo than 'wife beaters' and Mustang GTs? (This picture screams: 'get off the camera and take care of your children'. Clothe them, and for heaven's sake, do that child's hair).

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hi friends! Yes, I took off all my links because my blog is public and I didn't want anyone's last names exploited on my account. :) Speaking of...Enjoy this name game:
(thanks Elena, it was fun)

1 . YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car) Kippy Dodge
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie) Phish Food C. Chip
3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name)D-Mac
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal) Purple Lemar
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born) Dalee Yakima
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)Mac-da
7.SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink) The Yellow Lemonada
8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers) Rulon Frank
9. STRIPPER NAME: (the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy)Happy Butterfingers (yikes)
10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names ) ________Ann
11. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter) Kinsey Kuna
12. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower) Spring HollyHocks
(yikes, this could be a stripper too)
13. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”) Pineapple Flip-flop
14. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree) Oatmeal Aspen
15. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”)The Yoga/Song- Sun Tour

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Much Love for the Mini

Some folks had questions about the ol' minivan (doubed 'the mini'). Yes the carseats are built in (for children weighing 22-50 lbs). Yes, I love it. Say "Yes" to the Mini. Yes, I know the mini isn't for everyone. But if you have children, and travel via roadtrip like we do, it pretty much rocks. Mini rocks the roadtrip. There are few out there that have built in car seats; mine is the 2005 Dodge. I've heard that the older Poniac minis have carseats built in too. And if you are wondering...Yes, I do get crap about driving a minivan, from lots of people. But I never feel like I have to defend it...cause it speaks for itself. All you mini drivers out you not feel the same?

Monday, April 07, 2008


Ok, Elena this post is just for you...I got tagged to make an "embarrassing moment" And if you are reading this you are also tagged to post your own embarrassing moment...but especially Jessica because MORTIFYING is our fav word.

so here goes...(Loralee never lets me live this one down...I don't think Elena knows this story, yet.)

In 1999 I was dating Robb MacDonald and was invited to accompany him and his family to the Johnson Family Thanksgiving Reunion to not only meet the parents, but the GRANDparents! I had NO idea what I was in for. Like a lamb to the slaughter I went to meet Robb's Grandmother (Grandmama) for the first time. I sat in his grandma and grandpa's living room and for at least 2 hours (seemed like an eternity) was grilled on questions about my life, background, parents, siblings, pets, talents, passions, goals, skills, grades, political preference, academic achievements, failures, successes, dreams, ambitions, astrological sign and dress size...

I felt myself getting pushed deeper and deeper into the ground and I was scrambling to get out. I wasn't about to let my poor interviewing skills keep me from the love of my life. I panicked. Had I entered some sort of alternate universe???? I thought grandmas were supposed to smile, give you a hug and offer you home baked cookies! I didn't bargain for this! As these thoughts raced through my mind I heard Robb's grandma point a final question to me..."do you have ANY talents?" I shouted, "I can do the SPLITS!?" Why did I say it? I don't know, it was rapid fire; the first random thing on my brain. They wanted proof. Before I knew it I was on the ground demonstrating both Chinese and American splits. "Get OFF the ground, Dalee!" my-later-to-be Sister-in-law Loralee, yelled. I was so degraded. on the ground...begging for a little respect. ew I'm grimacing just remembering it.