Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Pictured outside of Nana and Poppy's home Christmas Day. As you can see Simi put on all her gifts immediately and had to go on a wagon ride with doll in hand. Thank you MacDonalds for sharing Christmas with us.

Sleeping Beauty on Crack? From infancy Simi has had an obsession with hair...a hair fetish you could say. Grandma and Grandpa Somerville got her a Sleeping Beauty wig...looks more like the Princess on Crack to us. (she was quite angry in the picture because she wanted to play with the train).

"...What? I'm feeding myself today...and these blues say that's final!"

Sexy is Back I know, you are thinking: 'not another car posting', but I couldn't resist to share that we broke down and got a paint job on the civic. I think Robb was tired of getting $500 offers to have it taken off our hands. Some have said it was good we chose the original red color too, that way the guys who stole it will recognize it! (we are always thinking of others).

Monday, December 03, 2007

Happy Birthday DAD! Its Grandpa Somerville's birthday today. We just wanted to say we love you and hope your day is great. This is a picture of the Somerville's with the girls when they visited in October.

Cloudy in AZ? This is not a Lake...this is the park 1 block from our house! Most parks and soccer fields in the Valley in AZ are designed to collect the whole neighborhood's rain run-off just like this (for those who were unaware). Within a day or so ducks always find their way to our neighborhood and people bring out their canoes and paddle around the park. Its hysterical! We are grateful for the rain this weekend.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving For Thanksgiving we visited Uncle Corey's house (his trampoline was a first Simi didn't know what it was called and said, "Wanna jump on dat big Cherrio!").

Here is Ven enjoying some Turkey...J/K, its a cracker.

"Oh What do you do in the Winter Time...?"

This is what we did this weekend. Yes, on November 17th Simi went swimming. The water was too chilly for mom and dad. But it was 88 degrees on the patio...a delight.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Here is a little something that represents our hard work at BYU. The T-Bird was donated a couple years back. Hopefully the new owner never sees this video.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Richard is KING!Thank you for all the voted on Simi's costume. We had to give the public what they voted for...and that was Ric Simmons! Simi wasn't so sure about the constume, but she liked the long "CD necklace" sportin' Sweatin' to the Oldies and by the end of the night she didn't want to take off the outfit.

Other halloween pictures:

Savior of the World Production

Hello, I'm finally back! The last 6 months I have been involved in the "Savior of the World" production that my Stake in Peoria put on. The last 3 weeks have been the final rehearsals and performances--it completely consumed any extra time I've had. It was amazing! I played Salome the disciple in the first picture, and the second picture is my angel costume. SO, I was dressed up on Halloween!! there were just no tricks or treats this year. I'm so blessed to have been a part of it.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Dynamic Duo

She LIVES! Some have requested an update on our poor civic that was stolen out of our driveway 5 months ago. Well, she's alive! Thanks to Robb everything functions (except the gas gauge and a few other luxuries). It is very humbling driving a car that is "two toned" (one tone being a NONcolor) If you have never driven a "two toned" (sounds nicer doesn't it?) car you know what I'm talking about. you get a few extra glances and LOTS of people ask, "how much you want for that?"

Here she is in her humblest state before all the work Robb did...her whole front end was striped, gauge cluster was yanked, and some extras inside were ripped off as well. But her engine remained unscathed! And runs like a champ (as well as a 1.5 liter will)

Blue BitsGot Milk....The question is really: "Got Fat Rolls??"

Workin hard? or Hardly workin? Yesterday I told Simi we needed to mop the kitchen. She ran to get her "mini mop" and cell phone. She cleaned the whole floor with the phone glued to her ear. I find out a lot about myself when I watch the seemingly quirky things my 2 year old does.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Into the PALE...

My Dad People in the family have said that Venice looks like her Grandpa Somerville, who is featured above. What do you think?

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"Ummm...So this is life? I don't think I signed up for this."

"...Maybe its gonna be ok after all..."

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Morning Hair
This is how Simi's hair looks every morning--or anytime she puts on a shirt, hat or lays a finger on her head. That is why I love her hair. Its just like mine. Misery loves company, right?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

911 HELP! Calling all mothers of two or more children: I have a question. And I'm getting desperate...How do you get your second child to sleep through the night?? I'm looking for advice, tips, ideas...ANYTHING! How is it done when "crying it out" isn't an option anymore? Though I'm sleep deprived, and a bit psychotic, be frank with me. I'm ready for the truth.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

VadaWe wanted to let everyone know that Vada is alive. Queen of Mustangs, she still rules the road...that is when Robb's not driving the mini-van.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Our big girls...
for those who get excited about well-child check statistics, we'll share the numbers. Apparently we have big girls. Simi was prounounced "well", weighing 31 lbs (99%tile) and 32 inches tall (85%tile). Ven was pretty well herself at almost 13 lbs (51%tile) and 24 inches (75%tile). Maybe Robb will have his volleyball players after all.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Ladies and Gents...Benny Boo. And the Dimple

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Here is Venice after her baby blessing. In this picture she just found out that dinner wasn't quiet ready yet.

Monday, July 30, 2007

July 14, 2001 This month we celebrated 6 years of matrimony. So lets take a walk down memory lane and give tribute to our first kiss! Rewind to 1999's fall semester at Rick's college. Seven students were packed in Matt M.'s white Ford Taurus (hot). The name of the game was Truth or Dare. Jessica, Bonnie, Drew, and Matt created a secret combination against us and dared Dalee to kiss Robb. The dare was accepted. Lips were happy. Thanks guys for getting things started.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Road Trippin'
Our summer vacation this year was a family reunion "double header." We met up with both families in one 10-day extravaganza requiring 34+ hours of road-trip action in our mini-van. Needless to say, the madness brought out of me some "colors" of motherhood I never have before shown. But I can honestly say it was all worth it because of the fun we had with our family and a few bright spots in the car like the one captured above.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

4th of July 3-year Flashback. After the Stadium of Fire that night, Lance and Robb cruised University Avenue in the white T-Bird squirting people with the windshield wiper fluid. Every year Provo residence spend the night on the street saving good seats along the curb for the parade the next morning. It was the perfect opportunity to soak some BYU Barneys. They also annoyed the Provo spectators by lighting bottle rockets in the car and throwing them out the window. More T-bird memories to come. the way, notice Robb's shirt? yeah, it was a little less faded back then. Don't worry, he still wears this same "Proud to be an American" shirt at least twice a week. The classics never die.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Cousins gather 'round at Grandma and Grandpa's

"Our Fathers' God, to thee,

Author of liberty, To thee we

Long may our Land be bright
With freedom's holy light.

Protect us by thy might, Great
God, our King!"--

Samuel F. Smith

Happy Independance Day


Monday, July 02, 2007

Girls In White

These are my precious jewels--Simeon Swan and Venice Somer

Thursday, June 28, 2007

This is us...prior to children that is. Don't we look happy? Peaceful? Tranquil! LOOK! No bags under our eyes. A restful state indeed. Fastforward 6 years. We have 2 daughters. Life is now a roller coaster can't get off, and there are no refunds for rainy days. But hey, life is a lot more interesting!