Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"...His Eyes, How They Twinkled! His Dimples, How Merry!..." Merry Christmas! Saint Nick and I are just having a good laugh.
Tiny Duets

Thanksgiving: Thank you Nana, Poppy, and Katy for visiting us!

The rainstorms we've received this month have brought some breathtaking desert scenes.

I love how when it rains here the sun is not far behind.
this rainbow was particularly vivid.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Religious Freedom Still Exists
People who are violently attacked for their support of Prop 8 can report harrassment

Monday, December 01, 2008

Holiday fun begins! Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and is preparing for a Merry Christmas!
(ok so 'Miss Penmenship' always likes to write her letters, but this was the first time I peaked in and she had actually got the letters in the right order).