Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Kindergarten Graduation not sure why we have to "graduate" with a ceremony from kindergarten, but it was fun to dress up and say goodbye to good friends.

Farewell to her Kindergarten teacher. We adored her so much!!! I still get emotional seeing her last picture with her first teacher.

Her teacher's aid was wonderful. She would ask all the time if she could steal my daughter for her own.

Some of her favorite girl friends

Last Day of Kindergarten...she was SO excited. Until about a week later when it hit her that she was actually never going back :(

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Dust Settles from April and May
(two crazy months where a lot happened). Here is the Easter 2011 picture. I didn't get to see them that day because...I was here:

Welcome to Antigua

Kelly gets featured here because the picture of me on the log was NOT attractive. LOL! But she was so cute. Ahhhh to be back on this island--it surely charmed us all. These were pictures of a morning island tour (Girls Day Out) I feel like drinking a Ginger Bear while looking at these. I will post more of my fav. pics of the trip eventually.

Antigua Countryside