Sunday, August 19, 2007

911 HELP! Calling all mothers of two or more children: I have a question. And I'm getting desperate...How do you get your second child to sleep through the night?? I'm looking for advice, tips, ideas...ANYTHING! How is it done when "crying it out" isn't an option anymore? Though I'm sleep deprived, and a bit psychotic, be frank with me. I'm ready for the truth.


*JULIA* said...

Dalee I really have no advice although i do have a great book i could lend you right away and it talks all about it. Emma has slept through the night on and off (mostly off) but she just finally started when i stopped nursing her so there is nothing to wake up to. She was probably 16 months??how old is Venice? anyway i will gladly come drop off my book for you.

Melanie said...

Hmmm...Elliot has been a pretty good sleeper...but when both my kids wanted that extra feeding in the night for good comfort, I made them cry it out for a bit, then I'd give in with a bottle of water...they both decided it wasn't worth the effort about a week later and slept through the night. Hope that helps. :)

Anonymous said...

have you tried spanking?

Anonymous said...

of course, that is always my first line of defense. -dalee