Saturday, September 15, 2007

She LIVES! Some have requested an update on our poor civic that was stolen out of our driveway 5 months ago. Well, she's alive! Thanks to Robb everything functions (except the gas gauge and a few other luxuries). It is very humbling driving a car that is "two toned" (one tone being a NONcolor) If you have never driven a "two toned" (sounds nicer doesn't it?) car you know what I'm talking about. you get a few extra glances and LOTS of people ask, "how much you want for that?"

Here she is in her humblest state before all the work Robb did...her whole front end was striped, gauge cluster was yanked, and some extras inside were ripped off as well. But her engine remained unscathed! And runs like a champ (as well as a 1.5 liter will)


Poe said...

I'm still laughing about the two-toned term. It sounds like an upgrade at the paint shop to me! :)

All things considered, I think the Civic looks great.

Bonnie said...

wow, I am jealous! not only do you get to party like a rockstar in your mini van, now you have a two toned car that runs too! you are one lucky lady.
and by the way.... I think Simi would make the best Richard Simmons ever!

The Brown Family said...

Dalee...HOW ARE YOU? I found your blog off of Julia's! It looks like you guys are doing great and your kids are beautiful! By the way, I had a two-toned truck in high school so I can totally relate. Mine was actually three-toned before it was fixed!!! You can see my blog at

Katie Brown

Genny said...

Whoa! Totally didn't know you had a blog! I knew I liked you :o) I am going to add your link to my site :o)

Elena said...

That's pretty good. I'm always proud when I see someone else with a very humbling car, or other glaring issue that screams "poverty!" Dane is still driving around our 1988 Honda Accord. The old gereatric-mobile turns 20 in just a couple months -- we might need to have a party.