Monday, August 25, 2008

Teething sucks worse for Princesses... Its a good thing I think this is adoreable...cause I see it a lot.

oh, she pulls it together for a photo opp. (what a tough and brave little girl!...sorry for the sarcasm).


jessie said...

She is so adorable crying or not! LOL!!! I'm a sucker for baby-blues!! :) (Though highly envious that you have a daughter that has your eyes, too.. :) I hate teething so miss Venice has complete sympathy from me! Eddie's been working on a mouthful, too, and consequently there hasn't been much sleep for anyone going on around here! :( (Like you said, though, it's a good thing those little tantrums are so stinkin' cute! LOL!!)

Poe said...

Poor beauty. How many teeth are budding in right now? She's looking like a real girl (compared to a baby)! Can't believe how fast it goes - soon she'll have a mouthful of teeth ready to chomp on anything/anyone she'd like!

Caglefamily said...

she's gorgeous!!! i won't even start on the teething thing!

Anonymous said...

It is true, the picture is cute, however the sound, not so much.

Anonymous said...

Too cute!! Some babies and toddlers have the best crying faces. I agree that the sound isn't something you'd want to listen to, but should be recorded for future use. LOL

L.R.L said...

she is darling!