Tuesday, February 17, 2009

LUV for the CUZ

This is her shout out to all the MacD cousins out there. This picture is reviewed a lot around our house. The other day a brillant idea was thought, "TAPE the picture to the front of my BIKE!" What better way to show some family pride?
my friend Jessica pointed out to me that people from big families have a "family pride" about them . So this is her show of it....not to mention the show of a funky, non-matching outfit.


Jes said...

The outfit, the curls, the family pride - it's priceless!! She's so freakin gorgeous, by the way. :)

Lance and Becky said...

After Wyatt is born we better get a post of his picture(5x7)taped to Simi's bike! How funny!

Bonnie said...

Jealous that you guys are outside in the warm sun on bikes! We got another storm and the snow is piled high, once again :(

Jen said...

i love this- what a smartie pants! Better than a bumper sticker!

Anonymous said...

wow! that is awesome. I love knowing that our boy will have cousins. We only had 1 pair of cousins and they lived in another country. So I totally think her shout out is so cute and awesome. I am so doing that for finn when he gets older. Love her curlz!


Could she be any cooler?