So, How am I feeling?...I spend a lot of time with my head in one of these and my hand in the other. I carry sleeves of crackers around with me at all times. But really, I'm just being dramatic...I don't actually put my head in the toilet, GROSS! I'm a fan of the bowl, or the bag! SO the way to go! Why didn't I figure this out before?? I carry a portable bag in my pocket, in the car, and then I keep bowls in each room! (I clean them, don't worry) Much easier, much more pleasant and it eliminates the problem of running through the house, and cleaning up what didn't make it in. ewwwwww! sorry to get graphic.
So, Moms....What are your "sick tricks?" And what are your best Morning Sickness cures? Crackers? Mints? Zofran??
Also, for mom's of multiple children....Does sickness continue to get worse with each child?? That has been my pattern. Wanted to know if I am weird, or if others experienced this too.
i'm so sorry!!! call me if you need to just take a nap, i'll take the girls for you.
ooh, that is no fun! I had a bowl next to my bed for about 4 months, it felt so good to finally retire it! And saltines were what I lived on. My friends swear by the little pressure bands for your wrists, they're only about $5 at walgreens, so they're worth a try.
I'm sorry! I feel your pain! :( Unfortunately, in my experience it has gotten progressively worse with each pregnancy (Norah's being particularly brutal). HOWEVER, I've got lots of tricks! :) Ginger Candy/Gum (which you can find for sure at World Market. You can also look at any natural or health-food store), sea-bands (what Kelly was talking about. I used them with the last two pregnancies and they really did seem to help), Emetrol (comes in a box with a rainbow on it :) is an antiemetic that's safe enough for kids to use and was okayed by my doc - it works well. Just ask the pharmacist where it's at.. I know Wal-Mart carries it. A Unisom and a vitamin B6 (taken together) or just Dramamine were what my friend Julie (who was VERY sick her entire first pregnancy) discovered worked great and her second pregnancy was MUCH easier! (Though every time she tried to stop taking the medicine she got really sick.), Zofran - which I used this last time around and it worked to help stop the puking, but I still felt nauseated. Plus - you have to dissolve it under your tongue and the taste (like artificial sweetener) always made me gag. Jolly Ranchers - my friend Nellie swears by these during her pregnancies. Spearmint hard-candies (the green/white striped discs) - since mint is a natural tummy-soother. Lemonade was great for me, too! But only the 'Simply Lemonade' brand because it's not all sugary. (Here it's in the refrigerated juice section by the milk. Some gas stations carry it, too.)
Anyway - there's a start! :) I hope you start feeling better soon!!!
Sorry you are so sick. But I am at 36 weeks and I still puke a lot. So I might not be the best at helping. The only thing that semi helped me was a combo of Zofran, Reglan, and Adivan, taken around the clock (yup I set an alarm). I hope it doesn't get worse with each pregnancy I spent enough time in the hospital being sick, It couldn't get any worse or this is my last. Good Luck Lady!
Could this increased nausea possibly be a sign of a male fetus?? I guess we won't know until you pop this little bambino out! Sorry you aren't feeling so hot. I still take unisom and B6 every night before bed. I think it helps :)
Oh dear how I feel your pain! I am finally feeling a little better, but just hearing you talk about it makes me nauseous. I felt really bad so far with both pregnancies, but they have been different. It's weird, but equally crappy. I'm feeling pretty good most of the time now, but I still randomly throw up without warning. It sucks! Zofran has been my friend, but seems to lost some of its effectiveness this time around. Please tell me the morning sickness doesn't get worse, or I'm going to seriously consider not having more children. I think we forget how crappy we felt, or people would continue to torture themselves by getting pregnant again. I wish I had some miracle advice, but I don't. Just hang in there! This too shall pass!
Okay this is what I take. Before bed. Vitamin B6 and Unisom it works wonders. Got to try it. If you get good rest at night its better during the day for me. But still nothing sounds right, I know. I am so excited for you. Sorry you aren't feeling well though. Good luck.
happy, happy day dalee!! but being sick is THE WORST. hopefully you'll find relief soon:) it's gotten worse every time for me and NOTHING helps....i'm thinking 3 children is perfect! good luck lady!
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