Thursday, April 23, 2009

Gardening and Highlights Thought I should update...since my veggies are poppin'.

Sampling the UNRIPE cherry tomatoes. after this picture she was ANGRY.

Everyone knows what these caps mean. HOMEMADE HIGHLIGHTS...SCARY

so Bon, this is per your request...can you even tell the diff? it ended up way more natural than I wanted it.


Jes said...

Look at your green thumb go! And your highlights are hot ... I'm officially inspired to do something to my locks.

Dalee said...

LOL. after reading this post I should clarify...the girls were NOT part of the highlighting!!! I'm not one of those crazy ladies that colors their kids' hair. I can't use the cap cause my hair is too long, so I gave it to the girls for a funny hat.

jessie said...

Your veggies are looking super! I STILL haven't even planted our garden yet.. I finally got the soil ready, though.. Does that count? :) And your hair looks fabulous! I'm in desperate need of a haircut and Justin is begging me to dye it dark again. The girls are so cute in the little hat, too. :) I can just imagine what Justin would say if I let the boys play with something like that, LOL! :)

Bonnie said...

Oh good... I'm glad you didn't try and pull your hair through the cap! I think you did a fine job on your weave! The good thing is you didn't botch it up and you can always add more! It's easier to do that, then have to go somewhere and have them fix it :)