Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Requested Belly Photo:

Don't judge; I have no maternity work-out clothes. My face looks like I'm singing, "Fat girl in little clothes....fat girl in little clo-thes..."


Lisa said...

Ha ha, I think you look great, pink's definitely your color, and you look so tan!

Bonnie said...

You are cute! I would totally take your yoga class!! That cracked me up what you said about "fat girl in little clothes.." While we were at the hospital Chris took one last pic of me before I had the baby and I looked at it and said "can you take another and make me not look so fat.." He just looks at me totally puzzled and totally serious and said "ok, do you want me to stand farther back?"

Unknown said...

No way! My belly is that big and I'm not pregnant!! You look great! Give Simmi and Venie big squeezes for us! Miss you guys!

Poe said...

You are such a fit prego! Your whole body looks tone - including that nice shapely belly bump! Thank you, thank you for the pics! Made me smile - and miss you more!

Anonymous said...

D!!! leggo my eggo!!! such a hot little prego! You are way up there on my top ten of Pregnant people... yes I have a top ten for everything!!!