Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Conversation I'm Glad I Overheard.....

4-year old: ...We just keep get older and older...huh!?

5-year old: Yeah, we are going to keep having birthdays and keep getting older and older and growing bigger and bigger until we are moms. Then we stop growing bigger.....we just get fatter

Same day...Different topic...Out of NOwhere...

4 Years says: Hey Mom! Do you know who my FAVORITE "Conference Guy" is??

Me: ummm...Conference Guy? I'm not sure if I can guess....President Monson??

4 Years: no. keep guessing.

Me: Yikes. President Uchtdorf??

4 Years: NO You are getting closer!!!!!

Me: [laughing] OK President Eyring?

4 Years: YES!!!!

1 comment:

Jes said...

"We just get fatter" ?? No she didn't! lol ... oh, out of the mouths of babes. What a smart and funny young lady you have!