Monday, November 05, 2007

Richard is KING!Thank you for all the voted on Simi's costume. We had to give the public what they voted for...and that was Ric Simmons! Simi wasn't so sure about the constume, but she liked the long "CD necklace" sportin' Sweatin' to the Oldies and by the end of the night she didn't want to take off the outfit.

Other halloween pictures:


Poe said...

Wowzers! Love the headband! AND the hair (of course)! She looks proud of her outfit - even if she doesn't know who she's dressing up like. And Venice is growing up!

kell-bell said...

That is the funniest costume i've seen all halloween! Simi's so cute!

Genny said...

GREAT COSTUME!!!! How creative!

Rylie has the same witch onesie that Venice has. I love it! I wish she could wear it more than once, that little witch is so darn cute!

The Houstons said...

I love Simi's costume!!! That is such a creative & funny idea, and she looks so cute too.