Compare and Contrast

These are my girls both pictured at about 7 months. I post this because I forgot to mention that at Venice's 9month check up the doctor actually asked if my children were "fathered by the same person." Yes, and not jokingly either.
Did you just die!!! Of my goodness I wouldn't know what to say if someone asked me that. I think that their little noses look similar. But Venice is a MacDonald for sure!! They are both adorable in their own way!
This really made me laugh! I don't think they look that different! They are both so cute.
i meant to ask you that very same question ?? What is the answer by the way??
Are you kidding me? Ok, that cute little button nose and those precious pink lips are totally similar! Of course they look different - they're different people - but I still say they look like sisters to me! Did you back-hand the doc? :)
well in answer to Julia...I know it may be surprising but yes, they have the same father. when the doc asked, he was making a comment about Venice's size. she is average at 18.5 lbs but simi is quite another story. she is bigger (taller and heavier) than most 3 year old girls her age and she still has 3 months until she is three. It does sort of make them look like they are from different families. He said, "your oldest probably just has her dad's genes...oh, are they father by the same person?" I laughed and said yes. he continued to say, "yeah, your oldest probably just got daddy's genes...He must be a big man?" I laughed again and said, "I guess?" The other issue is skin color. their coloring is VERY opposite when you see them in person. But I promise Robb, you are my one and only! (and our mail carrier is a woman).
hah, that's awesome! I always wanted my kids to look different, you know have a variety. Well I wasn't so lucky, they all look just alike, very small differences, and they are all the littlest pipsqueeks ever. They look just like their dad, but at least it's a cute little mold; who knows maybe anything different would be scary! As for your girls they are both beautiful and I think it's awesome that they are so different. It makes you wonder what another little MacDonald baby would look like, I'm sure cuter than pie!!!
Dalee I always knew you were the kind of women that gets around!!!J/K!!!I love the pictures of Ven and Sim!! How adorable. I love Sims cheeks and Vens blue eyes!!! 2 cuties!!
I've gotta say...they don't look that much alike to me!! But I do EMPHATICALLY AGREE that they are the cutest little girls ever! My older sister is 5'10", blond hair with green eyes and pale skin...I'm 5'5" dark hair, dark eyes, olive skin.. And yes, we have the same father, too. :-) I think it's awesome that they look different! Like "caglefamily" said, you'll never know what to expect! I'm hoping for the same thing with our future kiddos since Justin and I are completely different hair, eye, skin colors. So far Justin's genes are winning. :-) Do you think the girls look a lot alike? I think my boys look like brothers, but look very different, too. However, my neighbor thinks they could be twins. :-) I guess it depends on who you ask. :-) Bottom Line: Venice and Simi = ADORABLE!
HA HA HA HA HA!!!! That is hilarious! And slightly insulting, but funny nonetheless! Both of them are adorable. Can't wait til Venice and R are a little older-I see play dates in our future!
One looks like her Daddy and the other like her Mommy. Nothing wrong with that. I had fun with the nurses a few time when I was pregnant and they would ask if since Chris was my husband, was he the Father? A couple times I said he is my husband but not the Father-joking of course! The nurse at the hospital said that is not uncommon! So I guess they get that kind of thing a lot :)
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