Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday Robb! 30 years old! But you are only as old as you feel and look right? If that is the case...just 3 years ago robb was mistaken for a highschool student. true story.
Pictured above is Simi's drawing of herself with Robb. I've been meaning to put some of her art work on the blog for a long time. I know I'm her mom, but she really does amazing artwork. The detail of her pictures/people look like a kindergardener's not a 2 year old's. the other picture is Robb playing with the girls and his train set on his b-day...didn't I say 'there is always a train'?


Julia said...

WOAH! her artwork is way better than Chasetin's. Your lucky to get kindof a circle for eyes and a line for a mouth, and no one ever has arms! maybe she'll be famous one day!

Lyndsey said...

I am impressed with Simi's art!! You will have to post more of that. I can't believe people have smiles and eyes. Tommy can't do anything like that. Miss you guys.

Bonnie said...

Happy B-day Robby Heart! Wow, 30?!
I would have to say that Simi's drawings are pretty freaking impressive. Ryder is still scribbling. Maybe she could give him some art lessons?

Poe said...

HAPPY 30th B-DAY, ROBB! We love you, man. :)

And yes, I concu, Simi's artwork is WAY above average! Get that girl an easel and make some money on your little prodigy!

Poe said...

concur ... it was supposed to say concur

Train Gang said...

oh, I thought that was the new vogue "computer savvy" term "concu" lol

Elena said...

Happy Bert-day, Wobb. Hope you enjoy your next 30 years. :o)

Elena & Dane