TEETH!...HOW do you Battle the Brush??How do you get your kids to BRUSH?? My four-year-old brushes dutifully, twice daily saying, "A Princess ALWAYS has white, beautiful teeth!" Her sister SCREAMS when I try to assist in brushing. Her brushing method is sucking on the toothpaste and calling it good.
- LOVES her Diego toothbrush
- LOVES the toothpaste
- LOVES looking in the mirror at herself licking it like an icecream cone.

She can be kind of a sour kid, as you can see...
(but on a positive note...don't you love those bubblegum jams??? I do!)
Anyway, tell me what works for your kids.
I've always told my kids their are bugs in their teeth and they have to brush them out. This is followed by me seeing bugs crawling in thier teeth and acting really grossed out. Also I have been known to say that I can see fuzzy hair growing on their teeth as well just because that would be kind of gross. This has always worked for me because my kids are little angels........good luck.
Lol. She cracks me up! We have a My Little Pony brush that sings until it's time to stop ... but I have a feeling that would just mean "lick" until it stops. I have no good advice for you - but I must say, they're both beautiful. And I DO love the gumball PJs!
Thanks for that pic!!
Jada and Ven are in the same stage. I am lucky to get Jada to brush 1x a day, let alone 2x.
Simmi is to cute. She is right princesses do have white teeth and she is going to make a wonderful princess. Miss you guys!
I love Simi's comment about princesses having white teeth! That's so cute! :) Jack and Eddie love to brush their teeth. Jack does a pretty good job since we've been using the mouthwash that turns his mouth blue so he knows where to brush, but Eddie just likes to eat the toothpaste and then fake-cleans his teeth with a few lazy brushes. So after they're done it's MY turn (or Daddy's) and we kind of do what the previous commenter said (the one about the bugs). We pretend like we can see dinosaurs and monsters and snakes and that we're attacking them with the brush.
Or we'll just make up little stories about what else we see... Anything to keep them laughing and interested in letting us finish. I might say (while I'm brushing Eddie's teeth), "Oh look! There's the park in there and I think I see Jack on the slide! And here comes a dinosaur on this side! Uh oh! Oh! Now the dinosaur is chasing Jackson up here - let's go get him!)
They both love these silly stories and so far it hasn't gotten old for them. :)
my brother in law's cousin is a pediatric dentist and he said that you should brush your kids teeth until they can write in cursive! Thats old. They should do it too but you should do it for them. Hey look at it this way, if she is screaming, you have full access to her teeth! It works to your benefit!! :)
my dentist said i need to FLOSS their teeth everyday and I thought "how in the world am i going to floss a 3 year old??" and it was a serious struggle for a whole month and then one day he just opened his mouth and let me do it. so just keep at it and it **might** get better!
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