Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ready to Hatch I wanted to post pictures of my 3-D Ultrasound but this baby was VERY camera shy. Her head is down and facing inward, which makes it almost impossible to catch a glimpse; but that also means she is perfect for birth, or as the technician called it, "Launch Position." Baby's measurements were good too.

In addition, the technician told me my amniotic fluid looked AWESOME, which made me laugh so hard (that she was so thrilled about fluid) I thanked her and said I'd take any bodily compliment I could get at this as I eat spoonfuls of peanut butter, dipped in chocolate chips, I keep telling myself this weight is amniotic fluid.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Broken Record

This little girl talks a lot, when at home. Anywhere with strangers they'd think she was mute. Here are just a handful of the phrases that we hear REPEATED every day:

"HEY MOM! Mimi being mean-a-me!"


"MOOOMMM! Mimi carried me!"

"I so FURSTY! Wheres my DRINK?"

"Daddy Maka MOOOTHIE????" (smoothie)

"I wanna watcha show"

"Mommy, my hair's PITY"


"Daddy go to work??? UGH!"

"Hurry up, Mom, Monsters coming."

"Mom, Swipers gonna get me?"

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Southwest Miles, Retired

This post is for anyone who has wondered if this shirt would EVER be retired, especially the Poe's. Its finally happened. I found it in our DI pile and had to pull it out for a picture. You can't really see all the tatters and holes from the picture. I'm just wondering now, how will I find my husband in a store if I can't see this shirt?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

More from the OC
Future Surfer Girl?

The Brothers

Aunt Jenny made her a mermaid on the beach; she loved it so much she wouldn't move for like 30 mintues.

Monday, August 17, 2009

SO CAL Mini-Reunion
These impromptu reunions are so fun! We miss the beach. We miss cousins. Love you all!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monticello Reunion! Look at this cute couple! would you believe they celebrated 42 years of marriage together last month? We enjoyed getting tours of their old stomping grounds.
My beautiful nieces! Wait...when did they grow up?

Chasing cousins.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Belly Update Since I'm well into my last trimester, belly updates have been requested. So, my 4-year-old made this portrait to show what I look like. As you can see I'm much bigger than the rest of my family...(though my husband is extremely tall) least there is a big smile on my face!