Monday, August 03, 2009

Belly Update Since I'm well into my last trimester, belly updates have been requested. So, my 4-year-old made this portrait to show what I look like. As you can see I'm much bigger than the rest of my family...(though my husband is extremely tall) least there is a big smile on my face!


Anonymous said...

Dalee, it looks like you are wearing a bow tie? What's that all about?

Lance and Becky said...

I love it! If thats to scale robb is like 50 feet high!

Train Gang said...

...yeah, I have a balloon bow tie under my chin...doesn't everyone?

Julia said...

ha ha. you probably feel that big, but you don't look it!

Lacy Rane said...

Dalee, Congratulations!! I am excited for you. (And love the belly pic!)

Linda said...

soooo hilarious! I thought the "bow tie" was a necklace with matching earrings. :) You're so tiny and skinny that I am sure you have a basketball belly again. That's why she didn't draw anything else big on you. You probably don't even have swollen ankles either, otherwise I am sure she would have drawn cute little circles where your ankles are. LOL ;)

jessie said...

LOL!! I love it!!! Jack drew some winners when I was prego with Norah, but I don't think I kept any of them. That was stupid of me. Though he's not nearly the artist that Simi is so you kind of had to let him explain what you were looking at, lol. :) I'll bet you're just adorable...seriously. :) Is it so wrong that I'm totally envious of baby bellies already?! ;)

Genny said...

Ha ha! I love it!