Saturday, October 24, 2009

Our Baby Story...It all started at 6am on the morning of my induction. My medical induction was scheduled (because this was a VBAC) so I had not had even one contraction prior to checking in at the hospital.

After signing my life away, and initialling a huge stack of papers, my doctor came in to break my water. This was hilarious. He did this before my L&D nurse was ready apparently. (I don't think she was ready for how much water I had in me). Next, my nurse got me started with "the gel" at about 8am. Before anything started I was dilated to "almost 2" and was feeling comfortable.

Within 5 minutes of getting "the gel" and having my water broken, I was in the most discomfort. My nurse came in about 30 minutes later and asked how I was doing (and she was kind of laughing). I said my back was REALLY hurting. She said I was having huge contractions. Epidural PLEASE????!!!

But we had another little problem...she said the baby must have not liked getting all that water drained out on her (calling the babe "A Swimmer") because her heart rate was falling and my blood pressure was getting low too. I did feel close to passing out but thought that was just from all the hard contractions. So, the baby got more fluid pumped back in...and I got put on oxygen. It was really nice at first, then I was like, "can I take this thing off??" But the nurse meant for it to stay through the delivery. I kept taking breaks and putting the oxygen mask around my neck and then would get busted when the nurse would pop in to check on me. opps.

10am-ish I received an epidural and was dilated to almost 5. It was GREAT. for a little while. As I labored through an hour or two the drugs were wearing off fast.

The next few hours I was SO tired. When a contraction would come, I'd grab the edge of the bed. When it was over, I'd almost fall asleep (if it wasn't for my blood pressure being taken every 2.5 minutes I probably would have slept!)

By 1 or 2pm they proclaimed me "complete" and started breaking down the bed and turning on the fabulous hospital spotlights. My doctor came in around 2 or 2:30pm and after pushing for what seemed like a few minutes she was born at 2:44pm!

7lbs 4 oz
**Because I don't journal names and dates, if you'd like a birth announcement email me at
When I first held her I was so overcome with gratitude I can't describe it. I'm so happy she made it here safely and she's healthy! Another first thought was how beautiful she was even with all the gunk on her face. And those lips!

She is already such a huge blessing to our family, its hard to put in words how much we all love her. This has been a difficult year, and her birth has made all the trials seem like tiny grains of salt...just little grains that add flavor to our life. Thank you for coming to us.

Thanks also for all the thoughtful cards and gifts. (If you'd like to check out other stunning baby items like this quilt GO HERE )

adoring sisters

first bath

too cute

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fresh Out...

Overwhelmed with thanksgiving, we announce the homecoming of our 3rd pink bundle. We couldn't be more overjoyed. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, October 05, 2009

BABY SHOWER! Are these not the cutest girls in the world?? I love em! The Young Women of my ward threw me a surprise baby shower for mutual. Wish I had a picture of everyone; the other half of the girls opted NOT to shove a balloon under their shirt! Another fun surprise: I got to see some of my graduated laurels who have moved on to college. Our ward also has such amazing YW leaders; I felt super blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people. Thank you again.

We had a contest to see who could look the most like me. SO Scandalous!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Salon Conversations

Nail Technician: (in broken English) "Can I hep you?"

Me: Yes, I have a 2 o'clock appointment

Nail Technician: "HUH?"

Me: "Pedicure."

Nail Technician: "Oh, okay you sit down"

Random Customer: (sarcastically) "ya came to get your nails painted on your way to the hospital?"

Me: "Actually yes....I'm in labor and just really needed a pedicure."

Random Customer: (shocked) "when are you really due!??"


Even with the sarcasm, it was still worth it...these are the prettiest pink-painted vienna sausages I've ever seen.