Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Farewell to Arizona

The time has come for us to say good-bye to Arizona. Robb has accepted a Civil Engineering job in Idaho (which we are very excited about). We are sad to leave behind all of the friends we've made over the last 5 years and the WARM sun. We will be thinking about you all down in AZ when we are chipping ice off our car windows.


Caglefamily said...

What? Idaho, you are coming to my country? What part? My heart leaped at the thought I might get to see you!

Jes said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!! Choo choo - all aboard, the next train is departing soon. :)

Matty said...

good luck with the move. it may be sad to leave AZ but on a positive note Idaho is a little closer to the Promised Land...(Portland).

Genny said...

Wow! Congrats! Sad to be losing another good family from AZ, but we probably won't be all that far behind either :o) Enjoy!!! Idaho is a beautiful place.

Julia said...

oh, i'm so sad, but happy that things are looking up for you! good luck!

rachel said...

awesome! Where in Idaho? Chris is from Boise I hope its there so we can get together. Good Luck!

The Johnson's said...

hey guys!! I'm happy for you but sorry that we couldn't meet up before you actually left!! we love you guys and miss you but hope everything turns out well for you. You guys deserve it!!

brody and kenzie said...

Finally decided to move to where the cool people live huh?! Where are you moving to in Idaho? I run into your Mom and Kyla from time to time...maybe it will be you next and I'll get to see those beautiful girls in person.

The Beck's said...

We are sad you are leaving so soon after we moved here...but excited for Rob's new job. Congrats & good luck. We'll miss you.

SuperMommy said...

Wow! Am I behind! Congrats on the job, and hope you love it there!! We'll be here, sweating away, and keeping up via blogger!