Tuesday, March 29, 2011

1.5 Years! half-way through her second year she surprises us everyday. Her favorite past time is creating high places to climb to. I guess we don't have enough tables and chairs around here so she makes her own mountains simply by adding this stool to anything tall....then climb...and strike fear into the hearts of mothers everywhere.

When she is not climbing, she will inevitably be playing with a baby. "BeBeS!" are her favorite toys and people in the whole world (next to dad)

Most commonly she is heard saying:

"Cheee" (cheese)

"Wa-war!" (water)

"Nawwwwwoooooo, Mama!" (no, mom)

"Di-Der!" (Sister)

and my favorite: "Dooo-doo-do-do-dooooo!" (when she sees pictures of roosters)

Favorite foods:

PEARS. she can pound a whole costco pear alone.



We love you Mi-Mi! We also know that the most beautiful things come to those who day your hair will be stunning. Until then, I'll kiss your baldness every chance I get!


Jes said...

She's beautiful! And so grown up! Thanks for the post - helps us all get to know her a little better. :)She can totally pull off that bald look - not every babe can!

Darin, Kyla, and kids said...

I love your writing style, Dalee! I also LOVE the photo of Maryn on the stool ON THE TABLE. She is the cutiest little baldy ever. Eat your heart out Rapunzel!