Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So here is more compare and contrast. This time Father-Daughter. This picture of Robb reminds me of Simi. The "unimpressed look", the blonde curls, the BIG chuncky face!


R said...

I totally see the comparison! Your Easter picture is so cute and I have to say from your Ricks picture, you are one of those girls who gets more beautiful as the years go by. Not a common trait among women so enjoy. I peaked out about 10 years ago and its been downhill since then. We miss you guys too! Can't wait to see you guys! Loralee

Poe said...

That girl has spunk! I love her! And yes, we can totally see the Robb/Sim resemblance. In fact, I can almost hear her thoughts in the Robb voice -- ya know, the one he uses when he says something super "smart." :) Love ya Robb!

Genny said...

How funny! I can totally see the similarity!

There you go with yoru February 20th date on your post again! How does that happen? It really throws me off! :o)