Ok, Elena this post is just for you...I got tagged to make an "embarrassing moment" And if you are reading this you are also tagged to post your own embarrassing moment...but especially Jessica because MORTIFYING is our fav word.
so here goes...(Loralee never lets me live this one down...I don't think Elena knows this story, yet.)
In 1999 I was dating Robb MacDonald and was invited to accompany him and his family to the Johnson Family Thanksgiving Reunion to not only meet the parents, but the GRANDparents! I had NO idea what I was in for. Like a lamb to the slaughter I went to meet Robb's Grandmother (Grandmama) for the first time. I sat in his grandma and grandpa's living room and for at least 2 hours (seemed like an eternity) was grilled on questions about my life, background, parents, siblings, pets, talents, passions, goals, skills, grades, political preference, academic achievements, failures, successes, dreams, ambitions, astrological sign and dress size...
I felt myself getting pushed deeper and deeper into the ground and I was scrambling to get out. I wasn't about to let my poor interviewing skills keep me from the love of my life. I panicked. Had I entered some sort of alternate universe???? I thought grandmas were supposed to smile, give you a hug and offer you home baked cookies! I didn't bargain for this! As these thoughts raced through my mind I heard Robb's grandma point a final question to me..."do you have ANY talents?" I shouted, "I can do the SPLITS!?" Why did I say it? I don't know, it was rapid fire; the first random thing on my brain. They wanted proof. Before I knew it I was on the ground demonstrating both Chinese and American splits. "Get OFF the ground, Dalee!" my-later-to-be Sister-in-law Loralee, yelled. I was so degraded. on the ground...begging for a little respect. ew I'm grimacing just remembering it.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Posted by
Train Gang
1:06 PM
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I literally laughed out loud - hard - reading that! How come I don't remember hearing it before? I remember hearing the interview process - but not the splits. Lol. Seems like I forget a lot these days ... but that one would leave a lasting impression.
Hey, cut Grandmama some slack. She grew up in a differnet era. Besides, it wasn't such a bad thing. Since most people can't do the splits these days, she was very impressed. I could tell that day you move up a notch in her book (though I'm not sure what notch that put you at).
...yeah, notch one. ...and to Jessica: you don't remember the part about the splits because I probably left that part out. (and P.S. I do love Grandmama and we went on to have a fun relationship after robb and I were married)
I'm sorry to say that I have heard that story -- only because it ranks as one of the top MacDonald stories of all time!!!
That is so awful, Dalee. I'm so glad Loralee was there to catch some of your respect before it all went down the toilet. No need to cut Grandmama some slack -- even when you're 80, someone needs to put you in check. Not only is that story embarrassing for you, it should be embarrassing for good ol' Grandmama -- not only she flush your respect down the toilet, along went her tact and class. See, now I've got another embarrassing moment, when I beat up Dane's late grandmother. Oh, heaven help me... ;o)
Oh man! I knew I should have wrote about the time when I was 8 months pregnant and passed out in Lamaze class. It was embarrassing...but I never saw those people not quite as bad as the family reunion story.
That should have been Grandmama's most mortifying moment and not yours. I am still sickened just thinking about the whole experience. It was one of my most embarassing moments!
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