Friday, November 20, 2009

A Baby, For YOU!

Introducing the designated "baby burper." She does quite well! But pretty soon she will be too much baby too handle!

My chunka-monka at 6 weeks! She has her sister's chubby cheeks, she started smiling last week, and slept 5 hours in a row!!!!! We like her a lot!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Geege & Gramp, WE MISS YOU!!!" Jumping in the wet sand, at the park, with matching white capris and solid colored Ts...can't you tell they love their grandma?
Isn't my mom the cutest EVER? We are truly missing my parents this week. The girls miss this stuff the most:
  • Playing pretend with Geege
  • Bike rides and walks with Gramps
  • Shopping with Geege (especially when clothes, shoes, pjs, treats, or slippers are involved!)
  • Grandpa's story telling
  • Breakfasts together
  • Bedtime books every night
  • Morning books every morning (even when it was 5am sometimes)
  • Riding in Gramp's BIG truck
  • All the love, laughs and fun

I will miss all this stuff (...ok maybe not the ice cream) and a zillion other things they did for me while in town. I was completely taken care of. Thanks to them, I think I'm going to "make it" with 3 kids after all!

We love you!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Trick or Treat Me! If you can't tell...this is a Fairy Princess and Cinderella (on a really REALLY bad hair day) was a wig that fell all to pieces long ago and Cinderella demanded to wear it for trick or treating. We thought it was hilarious because the wig looks a whole lot like her sister's hair looks everyday.

Tiny doesn't look very happy about the fact that she had to be a cow when her sisters got to be frilly girly-girls