A Baby, For YOU!

Introducing the designated "
baby burper." She does quite well! But pretty soon she will be too much baby too handle!

My chunka-monka at 6 weeks! She has her sister's chubby cheeks, she started smiling last week, and slept 5 hours in a row!!!!! We like
her a lot!
What a sweetie! And I'll hire your baby burper (someday) - she looks like a proud professional. :)
Thanks for the pics!
Wow she is a chunk! I can't believe she is sleeping 5 hours in a row. Annie just started doing that and she is almost 5 months old! You got a good one!!! Roper thinks she's cute!!
5 hours....yay for sleep!
5 hours! I don't even get 5 straight hours! Your girls are gorgeous! Simi looks so very proud.
She does have cheekies like Simi! What a cutie pie! Simi definately makes a better big sister at 4 than she did at 2. I seem to remember Simi dropping a cell phone on Venie when you first brought Venie home. LOL!
She is so adorable...makes me want another baby girl! I love her cheeks! Awww...and such a good sleeper! :)
That is just so sweet. I bet she is loving being a second mom to the new one :)
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